Joe Bielawski
Joe Bielawski

Institutional home pages

Arrival and Departure

  • Arrival: 25 May 2024 (Sat)

  • Depart: 04 June 2024 (Ts)

1.   Content for workshop

  • 1.1   Quick start: Models & methods

  • 1.2   Quick start: Codon models

  • 1.3   Lecture slides

  • 1.4   PAML lab: English

  • 1.5   PAML lab: Translated

  • 1.6   Scientific ethics

2.   Content for additional activties

  • 2.1   Additional reading on codon models

  • 2.1   Advanced PAML lab

  • 2.3   Best practices in genome scans

  • 2.4   Alternative software for codon models in the ML framework

1.   Content for workshop

1.1   Quick start for models and methods

Are you completely new to models of sequence evolution?   Start with this…

  • Bielawski, J. P. (2016). Models of Molecular Evolution. In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. Vol 1, pp. 61-70. Oxford: Academic Press. (Section 2 can be skipped without any loss of continuity.)

Do you have some background in phylogenetics and DNA sequence models, but you are new to the area of detecting adaptive sequence evolution?   Start with this…

1.2   Quick start for codon models

Are you completely new to codon models?   Start with this…

Do you want to take a deep dive into the theory and legitimate (and illegitimate) interpretation of codon models?   The review below combines evolutionary theory and statistical theory to explain the major inference challenges under codon models.

1.3   Lecture slides

  • 2024 Lecture slides (Part 1), Intro to the Neutral & Nearly Neutral Theories of Molecular Evolution: slide set 1

  • 2024 Lecture slides (Part 2), Intro to Codon Models: slide set 2

1.4   PAML lab in English

If you want doing the lab independently (at home, on your own computer), then download all the files from an archive here, or individually here.

NOTE: If you are doing the PAML Lab at the workshop, then use the VM and the symlink in your home directory named “moledata” to obtain the course data files!!!

1.5   Translated PAML Tutorials

You can do the tutorial in Portuguese via this link. Many thanks to Letícia Magpali for the translation!

Letícia Magpali and Esteban Salazar are working on a Spanish Language translation! Hopefully we can provide this soon.

If you have any suggestions or comments on the Portuguese translation, please send them to Letícia Magpali ( Feel free to communicate directly with her in Portuguese.

If you would like to assist with a translation, please contact me or Letícia Magpali (

1.6   Scientific ethics

In 2022 we added a session dedicated to scientific ethics. If you want to get a copy of the “Applied Ethics Primer” you can get it here for free:

Our discussions touch the “unwritten rules” of science, and how such rules can privilege members of some groups and serve as a barrier others.

If you just want to know more, here are a few resources.


2.   Content for additional activties

2.1   Additional readings and advanced topics

2.2   Alternative lab and advanced inferences

If you have some experience with codon models, and want to try out a tutorial for more advanced materials then use the link below to download an archive for a complete different set of PAML activities. This tutorial focuses on detecting episodic protein evolution via Branch-Site Model A. The tutorial also includes activities about (i) detecting MLE instabilities, (ii) carrying out robustness analyses, and (iii) use of smoothed bootstrap aggregation (SBA). The protocols for each activity are presented in Protocols in Bioinformatics UNIT 6.15. The included PDF file for UNIT 6.16 also presents recommendations for “best practices” when carrying out a large-scale evolutionary survey for episodic adaptive evolution by using PAML. The files required for this “alternative lab” are available via Bitbucket repository. The repository link is given below.

Advanced PAML demo: Bitbucket repository

codeml_SBA: a program that implements Smoothed Bootstrap Aggregation (SBA) for assessing selection pressure at amino acid sites.

DendroCypher: a program to assist labelling the branches of a Newick-formatted tree-file for use with a “branch model” or a “branch-site codon model”: Bitbucket repository

2.3   Best practices in large-scale evolutionary surveys

Large-scale evolutionary surveys are now commonplace. But with the use of progressively more complex codon models, these surveys are fraught with perils. Complex models are more prone to statistical problems such as MLE irregularities, and some can be quite sensitive to model misspecification. UNIT 6.16 (see above) provides some recommended “best practices” for a 2-phase approach to quality control and robustness in evolutionary surveys. We have applied these to a large scale survey for functional divergence in nuclear receptors during homing evolution, and we used experimental approaches to investigate hypotheses about the role of a particular nuclear receptor (NR2C1) as a key modulator of developmental pluripotnetiality during hominid evolution. The paper that illustrates the power of such an evolutionary surgery, and the importance of an experimental design having explicit protocols for “best practices”, is given below.

Example large-scale survey: PDF

2.4   Alternative software for codon models in the ML framework

HyPhy: comparative sequence analysis using stochastic evolutionary models;

DataMonkey: a server that supports a variety of HYPHY tools at no cost;

COLD: a program that implements a general-purpose parametric (GPP) codon model. Most codon models are special cases of the GPP codon model.

codeml_SBA: a program that implements smoothed Bootstrap Aggregation for Assessing Selection Pressure at Amino Acid Sites.

ModL: a program for restoring regularity when testing for positive selection using codon models

At the Captain Kidd
At the Captain Kidd
Workshop concept map
Workshop concept map