Anne Yoder
Anne Yoder

Arrival and Departure

May 30 to June 1

Institutional Website

Duke Lemur Center

Duke Lemur Center Web Site

Lecture Material

Lecture slides 2023


Isogai et al. 2011. Molecular organization of vomeronasal chemoreception. Nature 478:241-245.

Jones, G. 1997. Acoustic signals and speciation: the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of cryptic species. Advances in the study of behavior 26

Rodriguez et al. 2002. Multiple new and isolated families within the mouse superfamily of V1r vomeronasal receptors. Nature Neuroscience 5(2):134-140.

Yang, Z., and A. Yoder. 2003. Comparison of likelihood and bayesian methods for estimating divergence times Using multiple gene loci and calibration points, with application to a radiation Of cute-looking mouse lemur species. Syst. Biol. 52(5):705–716.

Yoder et al. 2013. Molecular evolutionary characterization of a v1r subfamily unique to strepsirrhine primates. Genome Biol. Evol. 6(1):213–227.

Young et al. 2010. Extreme variability among mammalian V1R gene families. Genome Res. 20:10-18

Weisrock et al. 2012. Concatenation and concordance in the reconstruction of mouse lemur phylogeny: an empirical demonstration of the effect of allele sampling in phylogenetics. MBE 29(6):1615–1630.